Mathematical visualizations: from number theory, graph theory, and algebra to Celtic knots and mathematical art!

Join us on a visual and colorful journey about how mathematical structures can be visualized, explored, and better understood through programming and algorithms. We'll breeze through various mathematical topics, such as number theory, graph theory, and algebra, and look at how we can visualize and make the abstract more tangible. We'll see how visualizations can become art and explore many examples of mathematical and algorithmic art.

Roger Antonsen is an associate professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley, California, a renowned TED speaker, author, artist, popular science communicator, and holds a PhD in informatics. He is the author of the university textbook 'Logical methods: The Art of Abstract and Mathematical Thinking' and has won several 'best lecturer' awards."

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More information: Nabla

October 27, 2021 at 4:15 PM
Nabla, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim