Poetry at the end of times

  • @ 03:35–04:05: Introduction. Syntax and semantics and poetry.
  • @ 18:55–26:35: Fractals and origami. Mandelbrot. Feedback. Modular origami. Sonobe unit. Icosahedron. Icosidodecahedron. What can be folded? Rigid and soft origami.
  • @ 32:35–33:46: Poetry analysis. Self-reference and paradoxes. “Nothings says itself.“
  • @ 51:24–53:05: Is 0.999999... the same as 1?

    It is not impossible for microscopic black holes to occur at CERN. If they were to - against all odds - be stable, how long would it take before they swallow the whole earth?

    We ask, and in the same breath, analyze the poetry of new, contemporary Norwegian poetry about the Big Bang, outer space and eternity.

    Additionally, we ask:

    • Why do not humans have special abilities to defend themselves, such as poison or sharp teeth?
    • What is the relationship between fractals and geometry?
    • Is it true that the ancestors of whales were land-dwelling mammals that got tired of the dry life?
    • And do we do evolution a favor when we throw beached whales back into the sea?
    • Where does the energy in gravitational waves go?
    • And if the earth were to survive until the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way collide, would it be torn apart by the gravitational waves that occur when the massive black holes in the center merge?
    • Is 0.999999... the same as 1, or just a little different?

    On the panel:

    • Logician Roger Antonsen
    • Paleontologist Lene Liebe Delsett
    • Astrophysicist Øystein Elgarøy
    • Poet and neurophysicist Geir Halnes
    Abel’s Tower
Press and Media
March 24, 2017